Equimake changelog

📦 New feature: GLTF Export

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You may now export your experiences as a single .glb file and then import it to Blender or any other DCC tool. Please note:

1) You may not distribute the exported asset or use it commercially if it includes assets from the public library.

2) If the exported asset contains only your own licensed content, you're free to use it as you wish.

Please note, GLTF export exports only the assets that are owned by you. For example, if you collaborated with somebody and placed your assets, they will not be able to export your assets, or steal your assets as they are not the owner of the assets.

This feature was highly requested and gives ability for the user to quickly prototype a scene in Equimake and then import it to Blender, Unity, Unreal, Mozilla Hubs or other DCC tool for further correction.